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Past Life Regression

Enhance the quality of your present life:

Embody the wisdom of all your past experiences

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 75 Minute Session - $108

Ruins of Antique Architecture

Past life regression, wisely used, is a valuable tool for enhancing the quality of your present life. Queen or kitchen maid, soldier or saint, who or what you were is not as important as who and what you are today. And you are the sum of all your past experiences. What strengths did you gain in past lifetimes? Are you making full use of them now? What mistakes did you make? Are you repeating the same self-defeating patterns now? The more knowledge and understanding you have of your past experiences and how they affect your reactions to people, places and events, the nearer you are to true freedom.


How can we be certain that we have lived in other physical bodies in other times and places? Perhaps the only real proof lies in the individual personal experience of remembering past lives. But belief in reincarnation is not necessary to experience the benefits of past life regression. Whether your past life experiences are "real" or not, your mind presents them to you for a reason, and the reason is always to shed more light and understanding on who you are, what your talents and weaknesses are, helping you to clarify your goals and free yourself from phobias or detrimental habits. 


Prejudice is hard to maintain when you have remembered living in the bodies in other races; "male" and "female" take on new dimensions; current relationships take on new depths when you remember other configurations with the same soul; and the ultimate phobia, death, takes its place as just another phase in a natural cycle, instead of an end to be dreaded.  

meet the healer

past life regression practitioner Valentine Leonard


Ph.D, E-RYT 500

We know so much more than we think we know, and Past Life regression is a wonderfully creative and non intrusive way to expand our consciousness. 


I first learned about these practices while pursuing a Spiritual Coaching certificate at Atlantic University, the Edgar Cayce Institute in Virginia Beach. I did not believe in reincarnation then, but I was intrigued enough to try it. My own past life experiences, and my experience in accompanying hundreds of people on this journey, have led me to believe that there is much more to who we are than what our logical mind tells us. Journeying within is a delight that no Hollywood production can match. And the discoveries we make along the way can bring more healing, resolution and serenity than any pill.


Most significantly, this work has led me to completely transform my relationship to the root of all fear and anguish: the fear of death, loss, and grieving. And that is one of the greatest gifts I wish to share. 


The regression itself is really just an experience in remembering. In each session, I will lead you through a deep relaxation to allow access to your subconscious mind, who remembers everything. I will then prompt you with questions specifically designed to bring your journey to life. The experience will remain entirely your own and you will remain conscious throughout. We will take some time afterward to discuss, integrate, and if needed, help interpret the guidance you received from your past selves. 


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